Naomi is getting very good at the sellf-portrait. Self portrait: in London.

London makes me want an iPod. Everyone in London has one! So it's decided, I'm going to buy an iPod, move to London and start dressing snappier.
That handy-dandy Channel tunnel makes a quick trip to London so easy! I was able to scoot over one evening after work and spend two nights and two days visiting the Queen.
It was actually a bit of a relief to be back in a land where English is the main language. I didn't have to worry about my accent being understood everytime I opened my mouth. Oh, and I must say, I didn't mind having Starbucks around again either...I know, it's shameful.

I also took in choral Evensong at the Cathedral which was very enjoyable.
Other than that, I did a lot of wandering about, visited a market, and went for sushi. At YoSushi! you sit at a bar in front of this conveyor belt on which different plates of sushi and the like move by in front of you. When you see something you like, you grab it and chow down. When you see something on the menu that's not coming by on the belt, you press a button and a waiter comes to take your order. It was the most entertainment I've had eating dinner in a while. Ah the things you find in the big city!

I also visited the Imperial War Museum in order to browse their First World War exhibit. It was very well done.

Before heading "home" I found a book store and stocked up on enough English books to get me through the rest of the summer, and some food stuffs not readily available in France.
I must be settling into life in France; I kept mentally converting Pounds to Euros rather than Canadian Dollars! Then just when I had gotten used to looking right before crossing the road, it was time to head back accross the Channel.
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